Sunday 16 February 2014

moment missed

In the name of Allah the Most Merciful Most Gracious all Praise are to Him we seek His guidance , assistance, forgiveness and Mercy , peace and blessings be upon His last Prophet Muhammad swalalahu alyahi wa salam .

I sit here thinking about all the things that i want and i don't have yet, i cant understand why i don't get the things i want and yet they are not bad things . all of us have this feeling we often tend to try to figure out how destiny works . well we miss out on the factor of Qadar , our destiny its not in our control but in the Al Mighty control He is in charge of deciding when things should ha pend but due to our weakness we miss to understand that as we want things to go our ways.
remember that last time u wanted something so bad and then you dint get it at the moment you prayed so badly for but you got it later and you end up appreciating and feeling it came at the perfect time you feel if it had come during the moment you wanted it the delight wouldn't have been much yes its because Allah gave you at the right moment or sometimes you want something so badly and never get it then later your so grateful that you never got it as you see the effect of it and appreciate it being kept away from you .

the thing here is how do we handle that moment when your in the situation of waiting , that moment when your waiting for an answer to your prayer , that time where you feel you want to understand how things will end up or what Allah will decide and your shaky because you want the thing so badly and your not sure whether its good or bad for you and in the moment all of us are in the situation of STRESS / DISTRESS.
stay up all night crying we try to fast everyday hoping things go our ways n fearing if they don't go our way.

lets understand that no prayer is un answered Allah has promised to answer all prayers . the way the answer comes is different some answers will come immediately some take time some some will only find out once we meet Allah azza wajala . well the beauty of it is when you are in the moment of asking and ur desperation is getting you so much and your feeling so low and un happy your actually in a moment where you are closer to your Lord than anytime . we miss out on the point that when we are in need we are always in prayers we are always in touch with Allah . u often dont even need a reminder to remember Him as ur automatically in remembrance of Allah . Allah says remember me and il remember you so why should we despair in moment of asking when are actually in the best moment of fully connected with your Lord .
so the next time your in situation of asking Allah for something feel the beauty of it by enjoying yourself being in constant reminder of your Lord and thus increasing your steps to jannah .

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