Wednesday 26 February 2014

single is being alone with Allah

in the name of Allah the Most Merciful the Most Gracious all praise is to Him The Lord of Whole universe mercy and blessing sbe upon his final prophet Muhammad peace be upon him .

another year has passed am still alone av watched young people getting married starting families and am still the same lone me i ask myself when will my time reach when will Allah bestow me that Mercy of me having my own life start a family and having a partner i call my own . if your single this are basically some of the thoughts that ring in your mind . we often allow this thoughts to tamper with us so much that we waste the single moment of our lives .

yes being single is a moment  a treasured one its not bad lack nor is it lack of opportunity but actually the best opportunity one could get , if u remember the hadith of Rasul peace be upon him when he says take care of five things before five things one of the things is free time before u get occupied or busy . when your single your falling under the category of having a free time . your still single because Allah subhana wataala wants you to be more close to him as once ur married obligations increase and youl not be able to perfom as much ibadah as your single so take advantage of this time and use it to get more close to Allah , wake up for as many tahajuds as you can , fast as many days as you can , recite as many pages of Quran as you can and just get yourself so much closer to your Lord and thats the only way you will enjoy the moment of being single, let it  be more of alone time with your Rabb .

so my dear ones stop being frustrated take the opportunity and use it well let you sit down one day married and sigh Alhamdulillah as you dint misuse your free time . and as for those who are not married may Allah grant us pious spouses and make them coolness of our eyes Ameen .

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