Thursday 7 June 2012

SwaBr n ShuKr

life can be defined by everyone differently some people find life very pleasing while some find it dis pleasing , its just how u perceive situations in life .
well sometimes things happens in life and you sit and wonder what wrong did one do for them to be in such a situation , u think maybe of how much u really tried to be a good person and yet you still went through what your going through well then one thinks of whom to blame or you feel that life is treating you so unfairly and then we get so stressed and sad and the whole world turns upside down and all we want to hear is its not ur fault maybe that will make us feel better but Alhamdulillah all this are signs from Allah .
the Prophet peace be upon him says " the fear of a believer is amazing, whole of his life is beneficial when in good times he is grateful and when in difficulty he is patience and that is good for him. (bukhari n muslim)
our beloved peace be upon him in this hadith is showing us the best way to look at life life has to be taken through gratitude and patience .
gratitude is the ability to be thankful , to appreciate , to show how much one is considerate about the other effort Allah subhana wataala tells us in surah ibrahim "thank me and i will give you more and if u disbelief then my purnishment is more " . this ayat mention being ungrateful as disbelief that's why we see that in gratitude is a big issue in islam . beloved peace be upon him say whoever doesn't thank people doesn't thank Allah (tirmidhi)
being grateful can be easily achieve because we can learn to say thank you .
being patience is the biggest problem , who wants to be told that take it easy when someone does something bad to them everyone wants to defend themselves release their anger and let the other person know they shouldn't joke with you well it depends with the situation but the best is to be patience let it go forgive and let Allah deal with the situation . Allah says in baqara 155 certainly i will test you n he mentions the type of test but then HE says give glad tidings to the patience . Rasul peace be upon him says no one has been given a gift better than patience .
the most beautiful story in Quran is story of Yusuf peace be upon him not because his handsome and all but because of the way he portrayed patience how he dealt with the fitna that was blamed on him , subhanAllah he preferred prison than disobedience to Allah well this shows us a lot .
next time we want to see life as difficult and unfair think of all the blessing Allah has given you and say ALHAMDULILLAH and when you feel the world is to harsh on you and things are all going wrong just know its test from Allah and all you need to do is be patience and HE SUBHANWATAALA WILL TAKE CARE OF THE REST INSHALLAH

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