Wednesday 9 May 2012

Time utilization

have you ever woke up and thought how much u could have done and how far u could have been if u had utilized time the way it should be , the biggest problem we are facing is time management well to me managing time is the ability to divide tasks in such a manner that each part of the day is utilized wisely well to some people time management means reading the whole day well to me that's not time management that's wasting time why i say this is because every part of us has right over us from our oneself to the environment that we are living in so to manage time means that u give everything their rights . i mean time to eat time to sleep time to chat time to study time to think time to entertain ones selves time to go out take a break and break the rules , question is how to divide our day to manage time .
well Alhamdulillah for Muslims Allah subha wataala has already helped us divide the day and its up to us to add activities between the day .
a muslims day is divided into five equal parts that is every prayer time now the time between fajr and dhuhr or dhuhr to asr or asr to maghrib or maghrib to esha and esha to fajr this in between time is what will try to utilize to manage our time , lets start by after fajr subhAllah its very un healthy to sleep before sunrise personally av tried and the truth is it really interferes with ones day u feel exhausted the whole day and just want to lazy around and there is less activeness in oneself and its just another terrible day which by the time you recover urself the day is gone so how to use this period well put a schedule after fajr sit down and read the Quran for lets say 30 minutes and do abit of adhkar well its also very healthy to stand outside n watch the day as it comes and try to contemplate with the fresh morning breeze and birds singing so loudly n ask yourself how great Allah is . after that get ready for work or school , after dhuhr the Prophet peace be upon hims advised us to sleep atleast an hour before dhuhr or before asr this is the best refreshment of the day yaani u get to start ur day twice after asr sit and have some time to watch a clip or read a book and relax ones head then after maghrib the shortest period is between maghrib and esha after maghrib i can advise to take a walk till Esha time the after esha sleep well this is just a summary on how we can divide n utilize our day between the swalah time .
time is the precious gift u can give to a human being now imagine giving all ur time to serve Allah how successful one can be how much will Allah make you achieve and how far will He take you subhanAllah we have all the means to get to Allah but we choose not to that s very sad .
all successful people did well in time managemnet so thats the secret to success managing ourself in a manner that we are able to fulfill our task at the same time get rest have time to explore have good relationship with people and thus leading a successful life so ANYONE CAN BE SUCCESSFUL ITS ALL DEPEND ON HOW U MANAGE YOUR TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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