Thursday 17 May 2012

first step of love

how can we love without stopping , expecting anything and still don't feel left out and abandoned or neglected or used , well i guess we should first learn to know who to love , the problem of us human beings we tend to forget that we are very inferior beings and we have weaknesses . well thinking of it its not that we shouldn't love humans because everyone needs love and nomata what love is one feeling that has no actual definition as everyone sees it in their own way . how to manage love thats the question
first - we forget our creator and we fail to love Allah , people ask how can i love Allah and i sin everyday , they think loving Allah means to be perfect away from sins which is not the case like example a fisherman is fishing and has two nets one net on the process of fishing got a hole and he had to tie the hole while the other is perfectly fine which net will he be concentrating on the one in good condition or the one which has a deficiency its very obvious that he will be more concerned of the one with the defect same as us human beings our sins make holes in us and make us imperfect but Allah watches us and is much more concerned about us but we choose not to see that , Allah is so Merciful its too much subhanAllah imagine if every time we sin we get punished i bet no one could have been alive today the world could have been empty but see the Mercy of Allah He gives us time to go back to him , every night He descends to listen and grant his slaves his request just say am sorry Allah n He forgives you , do again n say sorry again forgiven just the fact that you remember that you have Allah and you wronged him n you went back to Him He forgives you but ajiiibbb human beings are indeed strange creatures with all that opportunity yet we fail to be Grateful . when we see of the Blessing of Allah ill say we dont need to love nothing or no one more than Allah because nobody can grant any human any favor the way Allah does and the best part its not so difficult to love Allah we just need to obey him , admit when we are wrong and repent, be grateful to Him and just be of service to him most of all Allah taught us a formula of going back to him when Adam wronged Allah see how Merciful Allah is we disobey him and he still teaches us how to say sorry writing this personally am ashamed of my own self , when Adam sinned Allah taught him to say
"Our Lord! we have wronged Ourselves. if You forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers." (7:23) 

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