Wednesday 26 February 2014

single is being alone with Allah

in the name of Allah the Most Merciful the Most Gracious all praise is to Him The Lord of Whole universe mercy and blessing sbe upon his final prophet Muhammad peace be upon him .

another year has passed am still alone av watched young people getting married starting families and am still the same lone me i ask myself when will my time reach when will Allah bestow me that Mercy of me having my own life start a family and having a partner i call my own . if your single this are basically some of the thoughts that ring in your mind . we often allow this thoughts to tamper with us so much that we waste the single moment of our lives .

yes being single is a moment  a treasured one its not bad lack nor is it lack of opportunity but actually the best opportunity one could get , if u remember the hadith of Rasul peace be upon him when he says take care of five things before five things one of the things is free time before u get occupied or busy . when your single your falling under the category of having a free time . your still single because Allah subhana wataala wants you to be more close to him as once ur married obligations increase and youl not be able to perfom as much ibadah as your single so take advantage of this time and use it to get more close to Allah , wake up for as many tahajuds as you can , fast as many days as you can , recite as many pages of Quran as you can and just get yourself so much closer to your Lord and thats the only way you will enjoy the moment of being single, let it  be more of alone time with your Rabb .

so my dear ones stop being frustrated take the opportunity and use it well let you sit down one day married and sigh Alhamdulillah as you dint misuse your free time . and as for those who are not married may Allah grant us pious spouses and make them coolness of our eyes Ameen .

Thursday 20 February 2014

Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today is a gift, that's why it's called the present!

in the name of Allah the most Gracious the Most Merciful we seek refuge from Allah from the evilness of our ownself  and from the evilness of our own deeds in deed we ask only Allah fro guidance, forgiveness , assistance and mercy for HE alone can guide us may peace be upon him the last and the most beloved muhammad swlalahu alayhi wasalam .
'by time , indeed man is in loss, except the ones who have faith and do good deeds, and join to truth and patience ( surah 103)  ' 
we often hear this verses alot but we dont act upon them, they say time is gold , time is money but in islam time is more precious than those .  Allah warns us not to abuse time as he is the controller of time He decides how time should go what time the sunrises and what time it sets .
Another Year Passes By and Time Marches On
O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and let every soul look to what (provision) He has sent forth for the morrow. Yea, fear Allah: for Allah is well-acquainted with (all) that ye do. Qur'an (59:18)
Another year has passed; minutes move into hours => into days => into weeks => into months => into years - seemingly faster than ever; yet every moment is a precious component of life and every moment counts.
Time - Use it, do not abuse it
Our attitude towards time indicates our attitude towards the value of the capital of life. If we want to purchase something, we require financial capital; and if we want to do something in life, we require the capital of life, time. That is why the Qur'an exhorts us to value the time we have before life is up. Qur'an (63:10)
Realize that...
  • Time is the measure of life, time is an amaanah (trust), time is a gift from the Creator and its proper use will determine our outcome for eternity.
  • We are born in time, live in time and die in time; time is the ambit within which we operate. What we do with time is what we do with our lives.
  • Each one must realize that every moment that passes by is an opportunity gone, used or abused; never to return. Soon time will be up and we'll have to leave this physical world and give account for our lives.
  • The more we remind ourselves of the responsibility of the present the better we get at living the moment and the better we live the present moment the better the consequence for the future.
Our attitude towards the future influences our mind-set towards the rest of life. Being positive about life ahead is among life's greatest motivators. Hope is the best attitude one can harbor towards the future; this realistic expectation that something good or better could/will happen if only we continue doing the best we can. Remember that today well-lived makes yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Wise are the words of the one who said ... "I expect to pass through this world but once; any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."
"O Allah! Make life a means for every dimension of goodness." [Prayer of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)]
Hadith of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), quoting from the Book of Ibrahim, peace be upon him: "A sane person, unless he is mindless, should have four hours: an hour to invoke to his Lord, an hour to count his own deeds, an hour to contemplate about the creation of Allah and an hour to satisfy his worldly needs."

Tuesday 18 February 2014

wake up call

in the name of Allah the most Merciful the Most gracious we seek help guidance ,protection , assistance and forgiveness from Him may peace and blessings be upon the final messenger Muhammad swalalahu alyhi wasalam

we hear everyday about the fights that are going on in muslim countries our brothers and sisters being totured by the kufar but we do nothing about it . every time we see pictures of our brothers and sisters from syria , palestine , bosnia and currently we hear central africa muslims are being totored in the own country . well we dont ask ourselves why we being the true religion of Allah be so weak that we are being steped over by the kufar . Allah subhana wataala has promised not to put the disbelievers ahead of us but we are rebuking that ayat by bowing to the kufars allowing them to defeat us because we are busy accepting there ways and we have become there slaves .

we have disputes among oursleves how do we expect to be united muslims stay years without talking to eachother we fight and we are more than brothers if we dont settle our disputes whom do we expect to come and settle for us our deen . we need to wake up we need to realise that islam stood because of unity of muslims how can 300 people defeat 1000 people because they worked together and thus they build strength . muslims fought the roman empire because they were one they had one flag of LAILLA ILA LLAH MUHAMMAD RASULULLAH that is enough bond than blood brothers .

where are umars of today khalid ibn walid qaqa and the other real men we are all asleep we need to take charge and it starts with how we treat eachother its how we behave with one another when we learn to become one will bring the world back to its true religion . the change starts from you and me lets revive our deen through akhlaq becuase the prophet be upon him was sent to spread good morales so we should stop being slaves of ourselfs and dunia and we become slaves of Al
lah . change is you start now time is UP.

Monday 17 February 2014

Change is NOW

asalam aleikum All praise is due to Allah the Most High we Praise Him and we seek His guidance, assistance , forgiveness and protection . peace and blessings be upon His messenger Muhammad swalalahu alyhi wasalam.
i want to change but i dont know how , may be am not ready , will i look like am too much , what will people say ,il look out of place . what if am not able to handle the change we all have this moments when we feel we want to practise deen but we tend to delay and we tell ourselves may be its not yet time i dont want people to think that am pretending and all the thoughts that come along with the excuses of delaying the change .
we have to understand that no one was created bad we all were born not knowing but we learnt to be who we are whether through our parents, environmet or just ourselves . we are what we want to be and no one will make us be what we dont want to be . so my dear brothers and sisters the good people they chose to be good because they knew that they will be benefiting more and the bad ones they chose to be bad . life is so limited to postpond things the only time we are assured off is NOW thats the only time that you have control off tomorrow and later is un certain often people who died had plans for tomorrow but that moment they had they failed to realize it so they lost the tomorrow they had really planed off.
Allah subhana wataala has promised us that He is there and forever will so we should not worry about anything as He is in charge so take advantage of the fact that the only thing you should be concerned about is Allah and He will take care of the rest. my dear one worship was prescribed for every human being they are no certain people that we often feel they should be more in worship other than us ourselves . everyone came alone and will leave alone . we should all be religious dont mind people because if being religious means to obey the rules and commands of Allah then know any slave of Allah has the obligation towards Allahs obedience so next time you want to call someone religious think what makes you not that and Allah has said HE DID NOT CREATE MAN AND JINN EXCEPT FOR HIS WORSHIP if ur man and jinn the ball is in your court.
take charge of yourself today you can be anything you want to be,  your the only barrier of yourself stop caring about what people will say care what Allah will say . we are so caught up in this world that we settle for sins and feel that's the only thing we are good at and that being good is for certain people . That is  where we are wrong Allah has given all of us a chance to get close to Him , He gave us a manual to show us how to get close and know Him more . so we shouldn't loose that chance,  give up the delay and wake up today don't let hijab leave your head because its not for arabs its command from Allah don't let swalah pass you because you feel ur not religious stand up and pray obey only because its Allah and your His servant and not because you have fear of people and feeling out of place the only place you need to fit in is jannah that's our final abode and we shouldn't settle for less. may Allah grant us the highest of jannah Ameen.

Sunday 16 February 2014

moment missed

In the name of Allah the Most Merciful Most Gracious all Praise are to Him we seek His guidance , assistance, forgiveness and Mercy , peace and blessings be upon His last Prophet Muhammad swalalahu alyahi wa salam .

I sit here thinking about all the things that i want and i don't have yet, i cant understand why i don't get the things i want and yet they are not bad things . all of us have this feeling we often tend to try to figure out how destiny works . well we miss out on the factor of Qadar , our destiny its not in our control but in the Al Mighty control He is in charge of deciding when things should ha pend but due to our weakness we miss to understand that as we want things to go our ways.
remember that last time u wanted something so bad and then you dint get it at the moment you prayed so badly for but you got it later and you end up appreciating and feeling it came at the perfect time you feel if it had come during the moment you wanted it the delight wouldn't have been much yes its because Allah gave you at the right moment or sometimes you want something so badly and never get it then later your so grateful that you never got it as you see the effect of it and appreciate it being kept away from you .

the thing here is how do we handle that moment when your in the situation of waiting , that moment when your waiting for an answer to your prayer , that time where you feel you want to understand how things will end up or what Allah will decide and your shaky because you want the thing so badly and your not sure whether its good or bad for you and in the moment all of us are in the situation of STRESS / DISTRESS.
stay up all night crying we try to fast everyday hoping things go our ways n fearing if they don't go our way.

lets understand that no prayer is un answered Allah has promised to answer all prayers . the way the answer comes is different some answers will come immediately some take time some some will only find out once we meet Allah azza wajala . well the beauty of it is when you are in the moment of asking and ur desperation is getting you so much and your feeling so low and un happy your actually in a moment where you are closer to your Lord than anytime . we miss out on the point that when we are in need we are always in prayers we are always in touch with Allah . u often dont even need a reminder to remember Him as ur automatically in remembrance of Allah . Allah says remember me and il remember you so why should we despair in moment of asking when are actually in the best moment of fully connected with your Lord .
so the next time your in situation of asking Allah for something feel the beauty of it by enjoying yourself being in constant reminder of your Lord and thus increasing your steps to jannah .