Tuesday 10 April 2012


You need to be unique, different from Kuffar, different from the weak Muslims. Different in your actions and different in your speech. When you intend to do something in future, you say “InshaAllah”. A weak Muslim will say “O.K. See you tomorrow”; When you start something, you say “Bismillah”; when you encounter a sad situation you say “Allahu-l-mustaaan”/ “SubhaanallahAllah”; When you hear someone is dead, you remember “Innah Lillahi wainnah ilayhi raajiuun”; when you say bye to someone, you add “Baarakallahu fiik/Allahu yahdiik”; Instead of clappin hands when someone achieves something, you say “MashaAllah TabaarakaAllahu”….e.t.c. and by being like this, you will be different in speech with the weak Muslims. You will indeed be a Real stranger.

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