Tuesday 17 April 2012

WaKe uP StrAnGeR

i woke up today thinking what youths always think about and what they are always talking about and funny enough it led me to very un productive ways that youths of today are always having in mind . well, some of the things that i noticed were when youths meet they talk about illegal relationship most time the hotest topic is about sex and you wonder what happened to the shyness of the three letter words where once one had to hide to even pronounce but today we are carrying it everywhere as if its not a big deal well this thought of the un productive youth .
the productive so called well this ones are the geeks they tend to be school or education oriented they will be talkng about being successful in life and how much they want to earn and become rich and they want to be independent and women especially wants independence so that men dont bring to them nonsense well this sounds so cool but to me still un productive or productive selfishness .
we have forgoten our positions as young people we are in charge to make a change in the ummah , we should be the ones clearing and eliminating calamities in the world today but instead we are the ones contributing in the destroying of this world .
may be when we look at sahabas may Allah be pleased with them will be like thats another generation and please we are in another world full of technology and stuff but we dont even know or even bother to look around us and see examples or legends that made it through in this era of ours . we have people to look up to its we choose not to look up but lower gazes for wrong reasons put ur gaze up for investment and lower your gaze for sins .
one of our leading legend( may Allah be please with him)start by knowing him and know we still have chance to make the difference .

Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Sumait

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