Muslims are not Proud of Islam
true strangers will always be proud of their God-sanctioned religion. On the
contrary, the weak-Muslims try to hide their Islamic identity for fear of being
labeled as “fundamentalist”. The men are shaving their beard and women are trying
to make their hijab look like the latest fashion. If presented with food or
drink that is haram, instead of saying “I cannot eat it because it is unlawful
in Islam”, they say we are full at the moment, or they say we do not like
the particular food. They feel embarrassed accompanying Muslim as friends;
instead they take non-Muslims as best friends….
The Rightly-Guided
Predecessors were always proud of Islam [A good example is Rabi`e ibn
When the companions accepted Islam, they became proud of it
and felt that all other ideologies and ways of life are inferior to what has
been revealed to them from above seven heavens. In the battle between the
Muslims and the Persians, Rostom, the leader of the Persian army, asked to
negotiate with the Muslims. Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas, the Muslim leader in that
battle, sent a group of companions among which was Rabi`e ibn Amir. The Persian
leader prepared a magnificent reception in order to impress those “Bedouins”
and weaken their position. The Persians asked
Rabi`e to enter without his arms. He refused and entered with his arms and his
horse and tied his horse next to Rostom. Rostom asked: “What brings
you?” Rabi`e said: “Allah has sent us to
convert mankind from the worship of people to the worship of Allah and from the
narrowness of this life to its wideness and from the oppression of the religions
to the justice of Islam. Allah has sent us to His creatures with His religion.
Whoever accepts it, we accept from him and whoever refuses, we fight him until
we get the Promise of Allah?” “And what is His Promise?” asked Rostom.
“Paradise for those who die and victory for those who survive” answered Rabi`e.
Rostom said: “Can you delay this matter until we think about it?” Rabi`e
answered: “Yes. How many days you need, one or two?” Rostom said: “More. Until
I write to my people.” Rabi`e said: “We can’t. Our Prophet does not authorize
us to delay our enemies more than three days. So make up your mind."
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