Friday 28 August 2015


Bismillah Rahmani Rahim .... Peace and Blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad , His family and Companions.

O you who believe, seek help through steadfastness and the Contact Prayers (salat). Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere.
This verse states that we should seek help in prayer ,this means that when we pray we should attain peace and be protected from sins .

Have u ever felt your praying but things are not right , u try your best to be regular in your prayers but still feel a certain emptiness in your heart , u are not sure whats wrong as you feel prayer should itself grant you the peace of heart . then you start feeling your doing something wrong but your not sure because u feel your trying your level best , shaitan might even whisper that your prayers are not accepted and worse u might start slagging a bit because u feel u dont need to be miserable if your praying . 

The soul also recognizes when u deprive it from its food , that is the closeness of Allah , the beauty of that feeling of guilt is that it sends a certain direction towards you wanting to know exactly whats wrong , it makes you hate the situation your in and you want to find ways to attain the inner peace , Alhamdulillah if one is persistent in trying to find the cure for the empty feeling they sure get it healed . 

Shaitan on the other hand  wants you to get immune to that guilt feeling so that u dont feel anything at all  after a while and when you actually choose to ignore it thats when you find yourself really lost and he makes it more harder to find your way back because you feel you have done too much damage already, then makes you think that your so much of a sinner and you have no way back just live that life your used to .

Often time i would say we fail to be realistic with ourselves , we are in denial that their are some acts of obidience we ignore or maybe we feel you dont have the strength to do it . or your  not ready to be more than average yet , or you fear your opportunities . learn to check yourself , ask yourself what are you doing wrong and be very honest with yourself , then seek forgiveness dont assume your not ready to leave it so your post ponding forgiveness just seek forgiveness anyways , another thing is add on some good deeds , fight that guilt by reeping out something good , it can be anything like saying hi to someone who you havent spoken for a while that happiness you give them might bring out blessings , or listen to a good lecture or recite Quran with a beautiful voice. keep off that sin you have spotted or try to reduce it to the minimum level , stop wasting time , seek knowledge we have so many ways Alhamdulillah this days for seeking knowledge , then try your best to minimize eating , sleeping and talking ... this remedies were given by ibn Qayyim May Allah be pleased with him .

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