Wednesday 29 April 2015

NEver ArrIVE

asalam aleikum warhmatullah wabarakatu

never feel sorry for a sinner if they are still breathing and never feel better of yourself if ur still breathing , one istighfar ( seeking forgiveness) from them can change their situation to higher level than yours and one atom of pride from you can take away all your hasanat( good deeds) .

we live in a society where when we do one khairat( good deed) we start felling we are ready to start correcting people , its not bad to correct but check yourself when u rush to correct how much u have done in terms of good deeds and then humble yourself . just because you wear hijab and the other person doesnt that doesnt mean you have better scale ,well you have beard and he recites Quran daily, you have hijab and she never talks to non muhram , you lower your gaze and he has khushu in swalah, you wear khamis and he is very polite to people , you have lihya( beard ) and he gives alot of charity . there are so many good deeds in this world and we cant do them all we do the best we can , so next time you want to correct a brother regarding his beard remember he might be doing another good deed that you are not doing so be humble and handle him the way you would want to be handled with that khairat that you might be missing .

every human being is a sinner , no one can claim they are perfect , like i said as long as you are still alive u still need to work hard until your dead thats the time youl know ur position , when your struggling to do good be consistent and pull others up with you,  dont force them but invite them because they might end up being your savior in akhera .

the wisdom missed today is the correcting approach , we want to pull people to destination rather than just getting them to the path , once we act religious we become haram police to our spouses , parents and society so much that people end up disliking some of the most beautiful aspects of religion . why do we want to make someone feel judged wen we correct them or make them feel that watever they are doing is all wrong . subhana Allah , Allah say call people with Hikma ( wisdom ) and we should not force things on them .  remember the prophet peace be upon him was loved even before he got revelation , get people through their hearts and see how much effect you will have , dont rush to see the result let the heart soften on its own and believe me the result will be more than expected. 

my whole point is that we all have a future from our current situation , we have to learn to compete in khairat and let ourselves grow , dont feel sorry for anyone when they are alive just be an example of the halwa( sweetness) of the path of Allah and let them taste on their own, if your having beard start having khushu , if you have hijab start reciting the Quran , if you have khushu in swalah memorize the Quran , if your hifdh ( the one who memorize the Quran) start being polite and kind to people and so on , you might never do all good deed but better to be consistent .  ..... never settle and never arrive keep going the path is still open as long as u can breath . 

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