Wednesday 29 April 2015

NEver ArrIVE

asalam aleikum warhmatullah wabarakatu

never feel sorry for a sinner if they are still breathing and never feel better of yourself if ur still breathing , one istighfar ( seeking forgiveness) from them can change their situation to higher level than yours and one atom of pride from you can take away all your hasanat( good deeds) .

we live in a society where when we do one khairat( good deed) we start felling we are ready to start correcting people , its not bad to correct but check yourself when u rush to correct how much u have done in terms of good deeds and then humble yourself . just because you wear hijab and the other person doesnt that doesnt mean you have better scale ,well you have beard and he recites Quran daily, you have hijab and she never talks to non muhram , you lower your gaze and he has khushu in swalah, you wear khamis and he is very polite to people , you have lihya( beard ) and he gives alot of charity . there are so many good deeds in this world and we cant do them all we do the best we can , so next time you want to correct a brother regarding his beard remember he might be doing another good deed that you are not doing so be humble and handle him the way you would want to be handled with that khairat that you might be missing .

every human being is a sinner , no one can claim they are perfect , like i said as long as you are still alive u still need to work hard until your dead thats the time youl know ur position , when your struggling to do good be consistent and pull others up with you,  dont force them but invite them because they might end up being your savior in akhera .

the wisdom missed today is the correcting approach , we want to pull people to destination rather than just getting them to the path , once we act religious we become haram police to our spouses , parents and society so much that people end up disliking some of the most beautiful aspects of religion . why do we want to make someone feel judged wen we correct them or make them feel that watever they are doing is all wrong . subhana Allah , Allah say call people with Hikma ( wisdom ) and we should not force things on them .  remember the prophet peace be upon him was loved even before he got revelation , get people through their hearts and see how much effect you will have , dont rush to see the result let the heart soften on its own and believe me the result will be more than expected. 

my whole point is that we all have a future from our current situation , we have to learn to compete in khairat and let ourselves grow , dont feel sorry for anyone when they are alive just be an example of the halwa( sweetness) of the path of Allah and let them taste on their own, if your having beard start having khushu , if you have hijab start reciting the Quran , if you have khushu in swalah memorize the Quran , if your hifdh ( the one who memorize the Quran) start being polite and kind to people and so on , you might never do all good deed but better to be consistent .  ..... never settle and never arrive keep going the path is still open as long as u can breath . 

Friday 24 April 2015


first step of love

how can we love without stopping , expecting anything and still don't feel left out and abandoned or neglected or used , well i guess we should first learn to know who to love , the problem of us human beings we tend to forget that we are very inferior beings and we have weaknesses . well thinking of it its not that we shouldn't love humans because everyone needs love and nomata what love is one feeling that has no actual definition as everyone sees it in their own way . how to manage love thats the question
first - we forget our creator and we fail to love Allah , people ask how can i love Allah and i sin everyday , they think loving Allah means to be perfect away from sins which is not the case like example a fisherman is fishing and has two nets one net on the process of fishing got a hole and he had to tie the hole while the other is perfectly fine which net will he be concentrating on the one in good condition or the one which has a deficiency its very obvious that he will be more concerned of the one with the defect same as us human beings our sins make holes in us and make us imperfect but Allah watches us and is much more concerned about us but we choose not to see that , Allah is so Merciful its too much subhanAllah imagine if every time we sin we get punished i bet no one could have been alive today the world could have been empty but see the Mercy of Allah He gives us time to go back to him , every night He descends to listen and grant his slaves his request just say am sorry Allah n He forgives you , do again n say sorry again forgiven just the fact that you remember that you have Allah and you wronged him n you went back to Him He forgives you but ajiiibbb human beings are indeed strange creatures with all that opportunity yet we fail to be Grateful . when we see of the Blessing of Allah ill say we dont need to love nothing or no one more than Allah because nobody can grant any human any favor the way Allah does and the best part its not so difficult to love Allah we just need to obey him , admit when we are wrong and repent, be grateful to Him and just be of service to him most of all Allah taught us a formula of going back to him when Adam wronged Allah see how Merciful Allah is we disobey him and he still teaches us how to say sorry writing this personally am ashamed of my own self , when Adam sinned Allah taught him to say
"Our Lord! we have wronged Ourselves. if You forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers." (7:23)

Thursday 23 April 2015


Eliminate poison in your life that keeps you from getting closer to Allah .
 Self Poison is type of poison that eats you inside without you  realizing any signs and if not treated it consumes ones existing  world and gives you no chance in the hereafter .
Am not ready to be religious , i dont want to be corrected , why cant you people let me live my life , islam is so strict , who will enter hell if we are all good , why cant i have faith in my heart, not everyone who appears religious is good , i know myself better, stop judging me , i want to enjoy and repent later , am young , i want to have a career and i cant be accepted if i appear strict muslim, extremism and so many poison we use as an excuse to obey .
I could go on and on mentioning all the excuses we have put as a road block to us being better muslims and better humans .
The first thing we have to remind ourselves is we are nothing in this world other than a chewed piece of clot . We came from dust.and will return from dust . The ego the arrogance the attitude the pride and all the vices we use as an excuse to be disobedient is actually from the tools Allah has given us .
Have u ever asked yourself if you dint have that body your boasting about to be strong to speak to sèe to think to do all functions your arrogance protray what will you be using .
Identify your nature of being and sit down and reflect . Our brains were created to think and contemplate . ALLAH azzawajal is always talking about people reflecting but we only chose to limit our reflect to see what we have without contemplating where and who gave us that ability to be that person you claim to be or even aspire to be .
Denying Allah is like denying your own existence . If your not existing then your not living and how can you live if u deny the owner of life . Think about yourself if your hands were cutt of your feet your eyes your mouth yout nose your brain your stomach your private organs your ears and even your heart where would you be , what will we recognise you as , which category of being will we place you . Now that you have them ask yourself the efforts you put for your all.your organs to grow and how incharge you are and being sure till when you can have them if you have the answer make extra pieces and keep them for emergency .
All of us we have the answers to the question , next time you poison yourself by distance to obedience ask yourself how many spares left do u have of you . Go hide them where they will help you incase the world runs out of resources and when th3 world ends you have your own world where ul be more safe .
Self Poison is deadly unlike venom we have ways of getting it treated before it spreads .Body toxic prevent people from living healthy lifes thats why its advisable to detoxify oneself so as to be healthy . Same concept your soul need detoxification clean it up by building relationship with the one who created it . And watch the inner glow direct your life to happiness and contentment .

Tuesday 14 April 2015

which way

In the Name of God the Most Gracious Most Merciful .

which way , one day was having a conversation with some sisters and one of us said i actually stopped praying and we asked why , she said because i feel am a hypocrite because i do my prayers irregularly , so i feel i should stop playing with my prayers by just stop praying whats the use and point of me pretending and yet i dont pray . well shes not the only one we all make this decisions not in prayers alone but so many things.
sometimes we want to stop watching movies because they consume our time and we end up wasting so much time but since we feel we are not ready then we will not chose to stop but continue . sometimes we feel we are just not ready to stop what we are doing yet , u feel u need time before you finally decide to be a good human , u still want to hang out late , watch movies wear less hijab pray without concentration and just be good in Ramadhan .all this happens to most of us thats the sad reality. 

Stop and think , there two ways to deal with such situations one is to stop completely praying or hijab or the act that gets you close to the Creator  because we are not ready to be serious and we want to wait and until we completely feel serious about it . the other way  is to completely stop anything that you feel is coming in your way on your path with your Creator . well the power of choice determines the position  ,   decree priority now shows itself . often time the hypocrisy illusion comes to place , feeling of not being ready and always letting go of the right path .

so why is it we choose the other way always , the way we want to loose our souls to , the way we assume to be easy the way of letting go . what happened to holding on , what happened to striving for excellence what happened to positive thinking . why do we choose to apply negativity when it comes to matters of feeding our souls its ultimate food that is contentment with the Creator but when we fall in love with humans we give hope and strive to make the relationship better .

when you have choices between letting go and holding on , lay off the heaviness of your soul and hold on to the lightness of Creator . dont ever feel your not ready enough a success of a thousand mile starts with a step . let go one by one and eventually all will be left start with a step not all of us are strong to change overnight but all of us have a future by starting with a step .