Monday 19 May 2014


Bismillah waswalatu wasalam ala Rasulillah

suspicion there two ways to see it , we have the positive and the negative , often times we choose to lean on the negative side. the positive side of suspicion is what we call  pure excuses and the negative side is what we call blame .  when someone fails to do something to us we immediately draw negative conclusion about them and we fail to think that they must have an excuse as to why they did what they did .

one time i was expecting some particular news from someone and as i was waiting i became so impatient and i decided to ask them myself whats happening , but they dint reply i got so frustrated and i felt they are being so mean and i was really mad and i was thinking all the negative things i felt they were ignoring me , i considered them selfish and i actually was so upset that i did something i had no plans for .
then i realized later that what that person was trying to do was protect me , the delay of what was going on was because they dint want me to hear the bad news that could hurt me more , they delayed because they were hoping things would get better and that they will deliver good news . how i wished i dint react in a negative way , how i wish i gave them excuses , how i wished i only thought good of them .

this usually happens to most of us we are all victims of negative suspicion , and we are all guilty when we realize we were wrong at thinking ill on the other person . The prophet peace be upon him says give 70 reasons to someone before u say or think negative about them . this hadith plays a very big role , because not only do we end up getting frustrated if we don't give reasons we actually sometimes react in a way that it costs us so much . lets learn to be positive by giving people positive excuses even when they turn out otherwise at least u saved yourself from getting hurt and from so much .

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