Friday 7 March 2014


In the name of Allah we praise You and we worship You , non has the rights full of worth of worship except You we seek guidance and help and forgiveness from You whomever you have guided non can misguide and whomever uv left astray non can guide all praise and worship are to Him the most beloved of all Muhammad the last and final messenger .

Are you struggling to do the right thing? yes we should all struggle the right things only come through struggle we cant claim to get anywhere without struggle every success in life comes through struggle . as we are struggling we need to be aware of shaiatan and his plan to make us loose focus , our focus is jannah . when we allow shaitan to tamper with our focus thats when we fail , we fail to have strength on our struggle we start seeing difficulty . so when we tend to keep shaitan away from us that is the only time we will all be able to enjoy the sweetness of struggling . yes its a lovely feeling to throw your blanket away for fajr swalah and walk to the masjid in the cold its a beautiful feeling to walk in hijab when the sun is over head and everyone else is complaining about the heat this struggles became beautiful when your focus is jannah but they will feel bitter and you might even loose them when we allow shaiatan to make us feel hot , to make us feel tired and to tamper with us .

Guard your heart from shaiatan dont allow him to accomplish his mission on you set for him a vision and thus get him to hell alone the dude needs company so be sure not to be one of his companion .
all said its a matter of choice everything is clear so its just you to decide and remember each and every person you see in any ibadah they are struggling none can claim success unless they die, the true strugglers will only defeat shaitan if they die in kalima tawheed so as long as we are alive we are in battle with shaitan and our nafs so you choose to fight or submit thats up to us .

may Allah grant us guidance and His Mercy , His strength to help us fight and win the battle of dunia Ameen

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