Tuesday 2 August 2016


In life your either being left or leaving , both are hard but sometimes is necessary , when you leave be dignified enough to respect the one your leaving , often time when your the one leaving you feel you have some authority but remember thats a cycle today your leaving tomorrow ul be left so treat that person in a respectful way putting yourself in same situation , see it wount hurt less for the one your leaving but youl give yourself the chance to respect yourself enough to care despite you changing your mind , make it clear to yourself first when you leave because they is nothing more hurtful than leaving and coming back only for you to leave again .

When you are the one being left , hold yourself first and understand its ok for people to change their mind , and its ok for someone to respect you enough to leave rather than staying back and they dont want you, i think being with someone who doesnt want you is worse than someone saying its time for me to go , respect yourself enough to find other than the one leaving to show your emotions turn to your close trusted person and let it out , il say the best is to turn to Allah subhana wataala and pray , then give yourself time, see one mistake we most do is allow the time we need to heal seek sympathy from the one leaving , no let that yourself feel the hurt until you acknowledge the reality of the new situation your in , dont seek for sympathy regardless of how much hurt , how much you feel youv invested , how much you feel you want those people to stay , because love is you and not the situation , when you understand that as long as your there you can always show your love then it will be easier for you to let go , fear and anger are reflection of your ego , being hurt is reflection of your heart and be sure you will heal , so love yourself enough to stay alone until someone who will want to be with you comes along , not for you to insist to want to be with someone who doesnt want you , let it be clear that despite all life challenges you matter , your the love and the compassion so for that to be reflected you need to be present , always give a priority to yourself and know you matter and youl always be love if you love yourself enough , u might adjust here and there but youl still be there ... 

Thursday 28 July 2016


Bismillah waswalatu wa salam ala Rasulillah ,

We are living in the world of social media interaction , our lives are subjected to the internet so much that when we have no data its like our lives has ended , the distraction that social media and the internet has brought to us is we are depressed without knowledge , we have forgotten what its like to have time on our own , when we claim we are alone or isolated it actually means we are with our phones or our gadget . we have been addicted to the drug of internet , some of us we cant sleep unless fall asleep when our you tube or something is on , we wake up to our phones , we have forgotten to live our lives we are busy in peoples lives .

The internet platform is not just a gadget , its also your privacy , long time ago if you wanted to have club experience you must have to go to the place where that is available , but now its all in ur phone , your phone and gadget is your means to know where you stand with Allah subhana wataala , how much self control one has with all the power they have , how much self cautious one is with all the secrets your gadget can keep for you .

The fitna is much as well as the reward , just because you think you can get sins while you get consumed with social media , think of how much Allah will reward you , knowing you had all it took for you to disobey Him , so much that it was all on your choice but you choose not to , you choose to only use the platform for kheir , you choose not to be irresponsible with your speech , you chose to control yourself when your constantly being called to haram , you held yourself down , you chose to control your life while being on track with technology . We have to be aware of something Allah sees you sinning and can forgive you and most of all Allah sees your restrain and He will not fail to reward you .
